Trees looking sad and miserable,
Swaying with the icy, wet rain drops.
The wind confusing the compass points.
Back and forth,
Back and forth,
I sway.

Raindrops trickling on top of the iron roof,
Like a child crying on its mom.
Mud slotchy and mushy,
Like play dough.
The roads overflowing with water,

Children running to nearby roofs.
The dark, grey clouds crying the icy rain.
Insects and rodents scurrying to nearby shelter.
The wind and rain chasing everyone inside,
Everyone is inside.

Sitting in the forest, she waits.
Close to the ground, her scared prey hates.
Crawling in the landed estates.

Her grunt echoing in the land,
taking her admirable stand.
Her young, guilty target in her hand.

    Welcome to my English Blog Page

    I am going to upload some of my English class work blogs here.